Association life at Istec
The associative commitment at istec is a strong, historical value shared by all students. It is a truly personal and professional experience, unique and unforgettable! Joining the large associative family, composed of over 300 students involved in more than 25 associations, is an opportunity for each individual to flourish, open up to others in a spirit of brotherhood, and have a desire to pass on knowledge.
Associative evolution by year

- 1st year: Discover the associative life at istec through courses taught by members of the Association Bureau (BDA).
- 2nd year: Get involved for students who wish to organize the Student Office (BDE) campaign with the ambition of being elected.
- 3rd year: Implement student projects within the associations, allowing them to take on management positions and supervise teams.
- 4th year: Pass on their knowledge to new students and make way for the next generation.
- 5th year: Share their acquired experiences with students from other years.

The BDA coordinates the associative life at istec, divided into several departments. BDA members support, advise, and finance all student associations at istec.

The BPI’s mission is to promote and enhance the school and its students. Its members, as school ambassadors, represent istec at various events such as fairs, forums, competitions, open houses, and graduation ceremonies. This association serves as a bridge between candidates, students, and the teaching team. Often, the first contact with the istec family is made through the student ambassadors of the BPI.
Instagram : @bpi_istec

The BDE is an elected team that animates student life at istec for a one-year term. Integration weekends, parties, cultural and sports events, and many other surprises!
Instagram : @bde_survivor

The Gala Association consists of a dozen students from different school years. Their mission is to organize the most prestigious event of the year: the gala for the graduation ceremony. An evening of sharing, bringing together more than 1,000 guests including students, graduates, and teaching staff, in a prestigious venue for an unforgettable night.
Instagram : @gala_istec

The Student Life Department coordinates and animates non-sports-related associative life through humanitarian actions, trips, conferences, and after-work events. In total, over 25 associations punctuate the lives of istec students through events, parties, and gatherings. The ISTEC Student Life Department includes associations such as Cinestec, Harmony, Humanistec, Icook, ICU, Ishake, Istec Conférence, Istec Destinations, Istec Poker, Istec Sans Frontières, Istec Store, Wine not… vieistecienne@mailistec.fr
Instagram : @polevie_istec

The Sports Department brings together sports-oriented associations. Whether you are seasoned athletes or beginners, you are welcome to join us and share beautiful moments to promote the image of istec throughout France. sport@mailistec.fr sport@mailistec.fr
Instagram : @sports_istec