Joining istec in a delayed start of the school year
Choosing istec for a delayed start to the school year means joining a major business school in a work-study program, without waiting for the start of the next school year, while benefiting from an accelerated and personalized training program.
The Magellan Program takes you on a personalized, intensive journey that allows you to :
- Discover and quickly integrate istec,
- Upgrade on the subjects taught at a pace that suits you,
- Integrate well into a class before taking the second semester’s courses,
- To really give yourself the means to succeed in your year of reorientation
Joining the Bachelor in Management in a delayed start of the school year
Bachelor in Management
The Bachelor in Management program, offers students a complete professional training program that prepares them effectively to face the challenges of a constantly evolving professional world, particularly with the possibility of completing the three years of study in a work-study program.
Why choose istec?
These programs, accessible after high school, focus on marketing, management, and sales in an international cultural and economic context. If you are looking for a business school that offers quality training, Istec Business School Paris is the ideal choice.

Joining the Magellan Program
The delayed start of the school year is only possible for the 1st and 2nd years of the Bachelor in Management program, subject to a study of the student’s academic record and success in the istec entrance exam.
Joining the Grande Ecole Program in the delayed start of the school year
Why choose istec?
Excellent teaching methods, an emphasis on international and cultural openness and professionalization make istec a business school that stands out.
What is the Grande Ecole Program?
Recognized by the State and lasting five years, this training leads to a Master’s degree and prepares young professionals to take on responsibilities by enabling them to acquire the skills necessary for their personal and professional project.

Joining the Magellan Program
Delayed start of the school year is only possible for the 1st, 3rd and 4th years of the Grande Ecole program, subject to a study of the student’s academic record and success in the istec entrance exam.
Joining the istec in a delayed start of the schOol year for international students
How to get into istec?
Students residing outside France benefit from a specific admission procedure based on the examination of the candidate’s file, which is evaluated by a Jury: study of the application form, individual oral interview and assessment of the level of English (only for the 4th year of the Grande École Program).
What is the Magellan Program?
The Magellan Program consists of 6 intensive and personalized weeks of courses to upgrade the student’s skills and knowledges. This fast pace allows for successful integration into the program in a dealyed start of the school year.

Welcome to istec for international students
Istec obtained the Bienvenue en France label in 2023 and is committed to a continuous process of improvement and enhancement of our reception facilities for international students. As soon as your registration is validated, you will benefit from a personalized follow-up by the istec nternational admissions team.
They tell us about the delayed start of the school year
Grande Ecole program