Master in Event, Cultural and Creative Industries - Istec
Istec exam - apply online
1 week at school / 2 weeks in the company
Start of the school year
September 2023 or January 2024 (only in 1st year of Master)
Bac+5 recognized by the State - Master's degree, RNCP level 7

Events, Cultural and Creative Industries major

During the first year of the Master’s program (semester 8), students choose a major that allows them to specialize in a field of activity in order to acquire new technical, sectoral and strategic skills with a view to employability and professional development.


In 1st year of Master, semester 7 consolidates the fundamentals of budget management and deepens the concepts of management and marketing and reinforces the exploration of New Business Models. Courses are taught in English or French.

Examples of courses: Leadership and Team Management (Fr), Entrepreneurship (Eng), Finance, Budgets and Forecasts (Fr), Business Plan (Fr), International Financing and Payments Strategies (Eng), Web Marketing and Tools (Fr and Eng) …

From semester 8 until the end of his studies, the student specializes by choosing a major.

The Events, Cultural and Creative Industries major aims to :

  • Proposing a pragmatic and professionalizing approach,
  • Mastering and implementing the marketing mix,
  • Developing and enhancing tools to identify new trends,
  • Practicing and optimizing operational aspects.


In semester 7 during the 1st year of Master, you can study abroad with one of our partner universities. The training rhythm is concentrated on 3 days per week, allowing you to do an internship or other activities in your free time.

Examples of courses

Literary and Artistic Property Law
Budget and project funding
Video production
Designing and hosting a podcast
CSR and labelling strategy
New societal and creative trends
Sport issues
Humanitarian and charitable issues


HR: employer brand, recruitment, payroll, PPIM, social relations …
CSR: environment, social and governance, circular economy, sustainable development
Corporate finance and financing methods (including crypto-assets…)


Brand Manager
Advertising Manager
Press officer for events
Content Manager
Production Manager
Content Developer
Communication Manager
Public Relations Manager
Event Project Manager
Event manager

"The face-to-face contact and proximity to the experience of specialists and the lessons learned from their career paths contribute to creating original added value for the learner, providing him or her with concrete assets to realize his or her potential and embark on a career path of excellence. Through the responsibility of concrete events such as TOPICS Café, TOPICS Event, Chasseurs de Tendances and now the Cabinet de Curiosités, the student is brought during his schooling to take on the different jobs of the universe he has chosen: Designer, Manager, Producer, Communicator, Content Curator, Director, Organizer.

Philippe BASTIEN

Head of the Events, Cultural and Creative Industries major

"After 4 years of work-study at istec, I decided to complete my school career by choosing the Event, Cultural and Creative Industries major for my 5th year. And what a year! It was intense and full of discoveries thanks to a diversity of fascinating speakers but especially thanks to the head of the major, Mr. Philippe BASTIEN. I remember a real solidarity created within the class thanks to a common project (Topics by Istec) which allowed us to mature our desires for the future and to give us the keys to stand out. A watchword: Cultivate your difference!"

Valentine DANES

Graduate - Class of 2022


The Trend Book

Each year, students publish a trend book that presents the current trends on a given theme. This trend book is a reference tool for marketing professionals and entrepreneurs looking to stay on top of emerging trends. It also reflects the expertise of istec students in marketing and their ability to anticipate market changes. This year the theme is silence, discover the 2023 trend book!

TOPICS by Istec

TOPICS by Istec, is an istec event which enlightens you on the aspirations of the world of tomorrow. This event is the result of the mobilization of the students of the Events, Cultural and Creative Industries major within the framework of an innovative pedagogy at the service of creation, expression and professionalism.

Throughout the year, the students of this major propose several intelligent afterworks named “TOPICS Café” to prepare them for the final event. Students practice speaker research, partnership management, event organization, communication, logistics and stage design.

Grande Ecole program