3rd year Grande Ecole Program: Contribute
The 3rd year of the Grande Ecole Program offers students real-life experience through a second semester in a European university and additional corporate experience. The seminars that punctuate the year allow the students to be put in a professional situation with constraints of organization, management, urgency and concentration. Innovative teaching methods are also planned in association with company managers. For example, the project of creating a company about an innovation to be conceived by the student according to a rigorous method.
The 3rd year marks the beginning of international study opportunities and several choices of course are therefore possible:
Initial course:
- Internship completed during the year.
- Semester 6: study in a European university.
International course:
- Semester 5 : studies in Cork (Ireland)
- Semester 6: study in a European university.
Work-study program:
- Semester 5: 2 days of training on campus, 3 days in the company (from September to January) under an apprenticeship, professionalization contract, alternated internship, fixed-term contract or part-time permanent contract.
- Semester 6: study in a European university.

Academic areas
- Communication, marketing and sales
- Entrepreneurship and Strategy
- Finance, HR and Law
- English Test
- Spanish test
- Business English
- LV2 : Spanish, Italian, German, Chinese, Japanese
- European semester (compulsory): teaching according to the expertise of the host university
European destinations for the 6th semester abroad
- Allemagne, Berlin – International School of Management (ISM)
- Allemagne, Cologne – Cologne International Business School (CBS)
- Allemagne, Karlsruhe – Karlshoschschule International University (KIU)
- Croatie, Dubrovnik – Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) – AACSB
- Danemark, Copenhague – Niels Brock Copenhagen Business College (NB)
- Espagne, Madrid – Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (UFV)
- Espagne, Séville – Estudios Universitarios y Superiores de Andalucia (EUSA)
- Italie, Milan – Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC) – EPAS
- Irlande, Limerick – University of Limerick (UL) – AACSB / EPAS
- Lituanie, Vilnius – Vilnius University, Kaunas Faculty (KNF)
- Pologne, Kozminski – Kozminski University (LKAEM) – AACSB / Equis / AMBA
- Slovaquie, Bratislava – Cosmenius University (Cosmenius)
Professionals & Seminars
- Journey to the center of the trades
- Oral expression
- Professional behaviour
- Mission report
- History of European Painting
- DCF Challenge
- Management and achievements – Sector studies
- Management and achievements – Great witnesses
- Marketing project
- Business Game Seminar – EXOPTER
- Seminar on the adventure of reality
Semester 6 in a European university (mandatory)
Intercultural immersion in Europe through a semester of studies in English at one of our partner universities in one of the following cities: Cologne, Berlin, Karlsruhe, Bratislava, Copenhagen, Seville, Madrid, Warsaw, Dubrovnik, Milan, Limerick, or Vilnius. The choice of the partner university is based on academic excellence.
The marketing project
Study carried out for a company. The students are proactive and their recommendations are implemented within the partner company.
Grande Ecole Program