Research Publications

Research publications

Scientific publications are a continuous activity at istec. The permanent teacher-researchers at ISTEC regularly produce articles in reputable scientific journals, write chapters in collective works, coordinate some of these works, and also author or co-author academic books.

Recent Publications by Research Axes

You will find a summary of publications related to each of our three research axes:

    Innovative Business Models

    CHARFI Anis (2022), Amira Trabelsi-Zoghlami, Mourad Touzani, Molka Abbes, » Les composantes de l’expérience de consommation des joueurs en ligne : de la réalisation virtuelle à la virtualisation réelle » Recherche et Applications en Marketing – volume 37 issue 4 octobre 2022

    DANG Rey (2022), Thibault Cuenoud, L’Hocine Houanti, Gilbert Giacomoni, « Le financement participatif est-il l’objet d’un biais domestique ? Cas d’une microbrasserie locale » Innovations n°69 pp71-101 2022/3 octobre 2022

    NTSONDE Joël (2022), Franck Aggeri, « L’économie circulaire comme utopie rationnelle : de la fiction à sa matérialisation » Revue Française de Gestion N° 304 – juin 2022

    CHARFI Anis (2022), KAABACHI Souheila (1er auteur), KEFI Karim, KPOSSA Régis, « Determinants of continuance usage of omnichannel banking in France: can gender and personal innovativeness make a difference? » GESTION 2000 jan-fev 2022

    DANG Rey (2022), Julien Billion, Olivier Fournout, Christelle Quéro, « « Déjà 2 ans à mon compte ». Histoire d’un jeune sans domicile rêveur et entrepreneur » Management et Sciences Sociales N°32 janvier juin 2022

    BARUEL BENCHERQUI Dominique (2022), Adel Aloui, « Limiter le risque dans l’innovation pédagogique : présentation du modèle IDEA » Management et Sciences Sociales N°32 janvier juin 2022

    DANG Rey (2022), Thibault Cuenoud, L’Hocine Houanti, Lubica Hikkerova, « Geography and social network influence on crowdfunding of a French microbrewery » Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences – online mars 2022

    BEZES Christophe (2022), « Overall satisfaction formation across channels: an empirical study » International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management – online mars 2022

    SAUCE Loïc (2022), « The unintended consequences of the regulation of cryptocurrencies » Cambridge Journal of Economics – vol.46 N°1 janvier 2022 pp57-71


    NTSONDE Joël (2022), « Economie circulaire, innovation et transition territoriale : vers un modèle d’ingénierie politique pour accompagner la transition écologique des territoires » Vie et Sciences de l’Entreprise N° 214-215 2022/2-3 pp236-249 décembre 2022

    People and Organizations

    DANG Rey (2022), Bruna M-G, L’Hocine Houanti, Simioni Michel, Sahut J.Michel, « By what way women on corporate boards influence corporate social performance? Evidence from a semiparametric panel model » Finance Research Letters – article 103048 – octobre 2022

    DANG Rey (2022), Ndione Mamadou, « Les mécanismes de gouvernance classique et transversale au sein des PME sénégalaises » Question(s) de Management 2022/3 n° 40 pp37-48 septembre 2022

    SOULABAIL Yves (2022), Jérôme Baray, « De la gestion publique d’une énigmatique « pandémie » », La Revue des Sciences de Gestion n°315-316 2022/3 mai-août 2022

    DANG Rey (2022), Michel Simioni, Lubica Hikkerova, Jean-Michel Sahut, « How do women on corporate boards shape corporate social performance? Evidence drawn from semiparametric regression » Annals of Operations Research – online février 2022

    SOULABAIL Yves (2022), Jérôme Baray, Amina Bécheur, « Appréhender les thématiques et communautés de recherche en gestion à travers l’analyse sémantique des publications en sciences de gestion sur HAL » La Revue des Sciences de Gestion n°313 jan-fev2022

    CANEVET-LEHOUX Sophie (2022), BILLION Julien, QUERO Christelle, (2022) « Evaluation du Business Model d’un établissement et service d’aide par le travail : le cas de l’ESAT Délos Apei 78 » Recherches en Sciences de Gestion Management Sciences N°148 – juin 2022

    DANG Rey (2022), Maria Giuseppina Bruna, Marie-José Scotto, Mohamed Akli Achabou, « Existe-t-il un fossé salarial entre les hommes et les femmes dans les pays en développement ? une étude de cas en Algérie » Question(s) de Management – vol. n°38 pp171-186 – avril 2022

    DANG Rey (2022), Michel Simioni, Lubica Hikkerova & Jean-Michel Sahut, « How do women on corporate boards shape corporate social performance? Evidence drawn from semiparametric regression » – Annals of Operations Research – online fev 2022


This semi-annual newsletter aims to disseminate the wealth of research activities conducted by the CERI (Center for Studies and Research) professors at istec.

CERI News July 2024

The last half of 2024 was punctuated significant advances, starting with the creation of our brand-new research chair. This initiative is designed to strengthen our position in the constantly evolving and vitally important healthcare sector. The Health Chair’s mission is to promote research, foster innovation innovation and train tomorrow’s leaders in this field. At the same time, we were honored to sign international partnerships for two DBA programs.

CERI News July 2023

During this year, our research teams have carried out projects contributing to strengthen ISTEC’s reputation as an academic center of excellence. In this issue, we will share with you a selection of our achievements from the semester. These works illustrate the involvement of our research community, as well as the crucial role that research at ISTEC plays in advancing science and society.

CERI News January 2023

The year 2022 saw the continuation of research activities at istec, building on the foundations established in previous years: a conference in December, an invitation to coordinate the special issue of a new edition of the scientific journal “Management et Avenir,” a special issue of the journal “Management et Sciences Sociales,” and a series of articles published in renowned scientific journals.

CERI News July 2022

The 2021-2022 academic year has been marked by new developments that reflect the dynamism of the CERI’s research activities. One such example is the partnership with IAE de Lille for organizing the 7th International Day of Health Marketing.

Les Carnets de l’istec

These notebooks, designed and written by istec’s professor-researchers and professionals, have a simple objective: to explain, enlighten, and popularize major scientific advancements in management sciences while showcasing the expertise of our school in this research field.

When Finance Reinvents Itself

Presented by its critics as a ruthless system, detached from social and economic realities, or one that transforms them solely for its own benefit, the world of finance is, however, reinventing itself before our eyes. The following four chapters, derived from the work of our school’s researchers, illustrate this transformation at a digital pace.

When the Internet Reshapes Marketing

The consequences of the internet on society in general, and marketing in particular, are now well-known: enhanced interaction between the local and global, alteration of the perception of time and space, blurring of the real and the virtual, and the intertwining of private and public life. These are significant underlying trends reflected in the four contributions to be discovered here.