Exam - 20/12/2023 - Istec

Entrance exam for delay start of the school year and for September 2024 start of the school year

from 1 PM to 6 PM

Register for the next istec entrance exam to join the school either for the delay start of the school year in January 2024 or for the September 2024 start of the school year in the Bachelor in Management or Grande École Program.

Admission requirements:

  • Evaluation of academic records
  • Individual oral examinations
  • Group oral examinations for the 1st cycle

For the delay start of the school year in January 2024, you can apply for:

  • Bachelor in Management 1st or 2nd year
  • Grande École Program 1st and 2nd Year or Master 1

For the September 2024 start of the school year, high school graduates must make a mandatory application through Parcoursup. Parcoursup.

The istec entrance exam is free for French residents.