Integrating an Istec DBA
To enter the DBA program at istec, candidates must meet the following criteria:
- Have an MBA or equivalent Master’s degree
- Have accumulated 3 years of professional experience
- Have a research idea for the thesis.

Admissions procedures
The admission procedure is specific and is based on the examination of the candidate’s application form which is evaluated by a jury.
The jury, composed of professors, directors and recruitment specialists from the school, examines the student’s file and invites him to an oral interview. Interviews can be conducted in person or remotely via video conference.
How to apply for a DBA ?
Your application will only be validated upon receipt of the following documents:
- The completed application form
- An up-to-date resume
- A letter of motivation
- A copy of your valid Identity Card or passport
- A copy of the last diplomas, titles, certificates obtained
- A passport photo
- Payment by credit card, bank transfer, or bank check made payable to Istec, in the amount of 200€ (participation in the study fees for the application)*
- A payment receipt or proof of transfer notice
- A thesis proposal – 3,000 to 4,000 characters
- One or more letter(s) of recommendation – optional.
*The amount of the application fee remains with the school even if the applicant withdraws.
Studying at istec with a disability
You may need technical or human accommodations in order to attend oral interviews. Do not hesitate to contact our disability and accessibility advisor so that we can organize your venue to the exam sessions in the best conditions.
You must notify us of your disability when you submit your application and attach one of the following valid documents:
- A certificate from the Rectorat concerning the conditions for passing the Baccalaureate,
- A certificate of accommodation for exams in higher education,
- A certificate signed by a school or university physician may be requested if you are unable to provide any of the documents listed above.
All our training courses are accessible to people with disabilities.