The Management & social sciences journal is a FNEGE-ranked journal (rank 4).
MSS magazine has an ethics charter available here.
Submission of articles on CAIRN’s MSS platform: :http://mss.
Frequency: 2 nos per year
ISSN : 1952-3262
Journal archives also available on HAL – Management&SciencesSociales collection:
– President: Zahir YANAT
– Editor-in-chief: Marc BONNET
– Deputy editors-in-chief: Dominique BARUEL BENCHERQUI and Maria Giuseppina BRUNA
– Deputy editor-in-chief: L’Hocine LHOUANTI
– Editorial secretary: Martine COUDERC
– The journal has a humanist and transdisciplinary positioning, placing ethics at the heart of the project of contribution to the Common Good.
– The articles submitted to the journal Management and Social Sciences make the link between social sciences and management to contribute to a science of action and decision taking into account the development of human potential as the only active factor in creating performance global and sustainable.
– Particular attention is given to epistemology and the quality of scientific observation of complex and dynamic phenomena of transformation of companies and organizations.
– Articles must explain the academic and managerial results as well as the economic, social, societal and environmental impacts.
– The journal is open to all French-speaking authors from different continents.
– The journal is a partner of several academic associations, notably ADERSE and AGRH. The journal is published by ISTEC, with rules of independence of the scientific committee and editors-in-chief.
– Thematic notebooks are the subject of a specific call for contributions distributed by guest editors-in-chief.
All articles are subject to double-blind review. In the case of special thematic issues with guest editors, a third review is carried out by members of the reading committee.
To submit an article, please ensure that it meets the current submission standards : see here
Management et Sciences Sociales publishes articles online on the CAIRN platform and under its license. The publishing, printing and distribution on physical media of the M&SS magazine is ensured by ISTEC Business School. At the end of a three-year latency period, negotiated between the journal, Cairn and ISTEC, the articles will be accessible free of charge on Cairn and on HAL (Collection Management&Social Sciences).
By submitting an article to the journal, the authors agree to publication under the conditions defined by the M&SS journal.
The journal and the authors undertake mutually and in advance to inform each other of the reuse, reproductions or translations that they wish to make of the published articles.
Thank you very much in advance for your help in promoting this journal of which ISTEC is the publisher.