Istec Alumni Network
The Istec Alumni network is a community of supportive and active graduates around the world!
Istec graduates cultivate strong ties with their school and are always willing to give their time to participate in its events. Whether they are part of the exam board or speakers, their presence is always greatly appreciated.
And istec does not leave them once they graduate! We continue to support our alumni, offering them opportunities to meet and share their experiences. Whether for fun or for more professional topics, istec alumni always meet with enthusiasm to exchange on their career paths and their vision of the future.
The Istec Alumni network offers monthly meetings, conferences, or visits on different themes. Find out about all upcoming events.

The professional integration of our alumni
The versatile skills and in-depth knowledge acquired by istec students allow them to work in high-level positions, regardless of the sector of activity. The alumni of istec are thus present in the sectors of finance, marketing, project management, entrepreneurship and many others.
- 81.9% of graduates are working
- 8.8% of graduates are on permanent contracts
- 15.1% of graduates have created their own business
- 50% of the graduates found a job before the end of their studies
- 75% of graduates found a job in less than 2 months
- €40,226; 1st average gross annual salary (with bonuses)
- 100% is the net employment rate for graduates who did not continue their studies
- 43% of graduates have permanent contracts
- 50% found a job outside of France
- 21% of graduates have created their own business
- 52% of the graduates are pursuing their studies
Source: Conférence des Grandes Écoles 2022 on the class of 2021
Source: Conférence des Grandes Écoles 2022 on the class of 2021
Alumni directory
The Istec Alumni Network directory lists the istec alumni since 1961.
Once you have obtained your diploma and registered on the site, you can consult it directly online. As an alumni, we encourage you to update it regularly.
Contact us
- Claude WISDORFF (Istec 1984) – Director of the Istec Alumni Network – 01 40 40 20 26 – c.wisdorff@istec.fr
- Pierre BERIA (Istec 1985) – Co-president of the Alumni Network
- Arnaud NEDELEC (Istec 2006) – Co-president of the Alumni Network
Let’s keep in touch!
- Linkedin : Réseau ISTEC – École Supérieure de Commerce et Marketing
- Facebook : Groupe ISTEC Réseau
- Twitter : Compte ISTEC Réseau