International Welcome at Istec
From the moment you receive a positive eligibility result, Istec and the International Admissions team provide personalized support.
Important Documentation
International Brochure
Find all the information about our Bachelor’s Programs in Management and Grande Ecole to help you make your choice of study.
Welcome Handbook
The welcome handbook includes all the necessary information about the academic calendar, tuition fees, cost of living in France, and your dedicated contacts.
Our Multi-Service Welcome Desk
Istec accompanies you from the validation of your visa to your arrival and integration within the institution through its international service.
Labels and Partners
"Bienvenue en France" Label
In 2023, Istec obtained the “Bienvenue en France” label. This label identifies institutions committed to improving and enhancing their welcome services for international students.
Campus France
Istec is a member of the Campus France Forum, which brings together numerous French institutions working together to enhance the attractiveness of French higher education abroad.
Études en France
Istec is a member of the Études en France platform, which manages all the registration procedures in higher education institutions, up to the visa application. Fully digitalized, this platform allows you to create a personal online file and guides you through the process.
Your Dedicated Contacts
Bachelor in Management and Grande Ecole Admissions: international@istec.fr
MBA Program Admissions: Mehdi Benamar – m.benamar@istec.fr