Financing your higher education
A higher education is an investment in the future.
The tuition fees charged by istec cover the costs of teaching and individualized follow-up of each student, the cost of handouts, access to the documentation center and computer resources, civil liability insurance and work accident insurance.
For the 2023-2024 academic year, the tuition fees charged by istec are :
- Bachelor in Management : €8,400 for the 1st and 2nd year and €9,200 for the 3rd year of study.
- Programme Grande Ecole: €9,800 per year for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd years, and €12,500 for Master 1 and 2.
- MBA programs: €8,880 for a classic 12-month track and €12,980 for a reinforced 18-month track.
Doing your studies in a work-study program
The work-study options offered at ISTEC (Bachelor in Management and Grande Ecole Program) provide students with the opportunity to have their tuition fees covered by the company and receive a salary. Coverage can be partial or total depending on the program, the year of study and negotiations with the host company.
80% of our students do their schooling as part of a work-study program. Their training is thus financed and they receive a salary to cover their living expenses. A deposit on the tuition fees is requested from the student at the time of registration in the school. This deposit is refundable only in the event of failure of the baccalaureate for students wishing to enter the first year of study, or in the event of signing a professionalization contract or an internship alternating with the fully financed course.

Payment Terms
Several payment options are available at ISTEC: payment in three installments without fees, monthly payments with automatic withdrawals, one-time payment, personalized financing plan if necessary… We provide you with various solutions to facilitate the payment of tuition fees.

Financing your studies at istec
As istec is recognized by the State, we can welcome scholarship students. Here are the measures that our students are eligible for:
- State scholarships: istec is recognized by the State and can therefore welcome scholarship students. Applications are due March 23 through May 15, 2023. You will need to submit your student social file (Dossier Social Étudiant or DSE) before you can apply for a scholarship or CROUS accommodation.
- Visale student: in order to help young people rent, the Visale system is designed for them.
- Local government grants: municipal, departmental, regional. You should contact the local authority where you live directly.
- ERASMUS grants: for stays in Europe, depending on the destination and the conditions, students can benefit from grants for international mobility.
Specific individual requests for financial support may be studied by the educational, financial and general management of the istec.

Financing your studies abroad
If you are a student and are planning to study abroad for one or more semesters, there are several financial aid packages available to help you finance your project:
- Erasmus+ grants: this grant is intended for students who are going on a mobility program in Europe. It may cover travel, living expenses and participation in a study or internship program. The amount of the scholarship varies according to the duration and destination of the stay.
- State aid: for the 2022-2023 academic year, the amount of aid was €400 per month. This assistance is uniform regardless of the place of study.
- Regional scholarships and grants: each region has its own arrangements, which may or may not be combined with state grants and Erasmus+ scholarships.
- Private aid: there is also financial aid offered by associations, foundations or companies. This aid can take the form of scholarships, loans or grants.

Student loan
Since 2008, the student loan can be accessible without resource conditions and guaranteed by the State. Istec students benefit from preferential agreements to obtain a student bank loan, repayable once they are in the workforce.
In order to facilitate the obtaining of your loan, the State can act as guarantor, click here for more information.
We are a partner of the Caisse d’Epargne which offers you a student loan at a rate of 1.5% (subject to change). If you are interested, please fill out this form.

"Bpifrance" Guarantee Program
The “Bpifrance” guarantee program aims to facilitate access to credit for students who do not have a guarantor.. Each request is assessed on a case-by-case basis.
- Amount: 1,000 to 20,000 euros
- Duration: 24 to 120 months
- Interest Rate: “Partnership” rate + 0.80% (cost of the guarantee)
- No personal guarantee required
- No income conditions
This year, there is a new subscription process for students who need to register on the BPI platform.. This mandatory step must be completed before applying for a loan at a Caisse d’Epargne Ile de France branch.

Find a home with Immojeune
Specialized in housing for students and young professionals, the ImmoJeune platform offers over 300,000 student accommodation offers in France.. Online file, virtual visit, application in 1 click …. Access to this platform is reserved for ISTEC students, where they can find job postings located exclusively around the school.