Accreditations and labels
Accreditations and labels are indicators of quality and recognition for a business school in France and internationally. These labels and accreditations are obtained after a rigorous evaluation of the quality of education, research, and overall strategy of the school. They allow business schools to stand out in the market and attract students and recruiters.

Its mission is to define the conditions for awarding the master’s degree to higher education institutions in commerce and management and to reevaluate the diplomas of higher education institutions in commerce. The CEFDG visa duration varies from one to five years, depending on the evaluation of the quality of the program or degree.

In 2020, the Ministry of Higher Education and Research renewed the accreditation of the Bachelor’s degree in Management (Bac+3) at istec.
In 2020, the Ministry of Higher Education and Research renewed the accreditation of the Master’s degree (Bac+5) and the Master’s level qualification (Grade de Master) for the Program Grande Ecole at istec.

Istec is a member of the Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE), which brings together 38 recognized French grandes écoles of management authorized to award a Master’s degree (bac+5) with the grade of Master. These schools represent the reference in their fields of education in France and internationally.

It is globally recognized as an accreditation body for business schools, their programs, and corporate universities. EFMD is a network that brings together schools and companies seeking to educate socially responsible leaders and managers while seeking opportunities for connection.
In line with its ambitions, ISTEC has embarked on the accreditation process with EFMD since 2023. As a current member of EFMD, we aspire to obtain this accreditation in the near future.

As part of its international ambitions, istec has been engaged in the accreditation process since 2022. Currently, a member of AACSB, we aim to obtain this label within the next 3 years.

Istec has been awarded the quality certification for the following categories of actions:
- Training actions
- Actions enabling the validation of acquired experience
- Apprenticeship training actions