管理心理学 / DBA in Management Psychology
心理学是关于研究动机的一门科学,ISTEC的管理心理学D BA的培养目标是让学生更好的把商业过程和心理学有机结合。
Psychology is a science about studying motivation, and the training goal of ISTEC’s Management Psychology DBA is to enable students to better integrate business processes with psychology.
Enable students to apply the principles of psychology in various fields of business management, integrate consumer behavior surveys that influence business decisions into data collection and conclusion analysis, so as to more accurately implement business applications and achieve better business benefits. Outstanding student representatives and introductions

三、项目课程 / project course
课程简介:全球时局变化莫测,中国经历了经济快速发展的30年,正面临新一轮发展机遇。在这个充满不确定的时代,ISTEC DBA管理心理学项目旨在帮助学员全面学习管理心理学知识、深入解读实际案例,从实际出发探求事件背后的运行规律,重塑心理学思维与管理逻辑。强调学术应用与管理实践并重,不仅需要考察学员学术能力,还要衡量其对自身所处领域的贡献和影响力,提供富有深度和高度的授课内容,全面帮助学员提升全球视野和大局观的系统性思考能力。
Course introduction: The global situation is unpredictable, and China has experienced 30 years of rapid economic development and is facing a new round of development opportunities. In this uncertain era, the ISTEC DBA Management Psychology program aims to help students comprehensively learn management psychology knowledge, deeply interpret practical cases, explore the operating rules behind events from a practical perspective, and reshape psychological thinking and management logic. Emphasizing the equal emphasis on academic application and management practice, it is not only necessary to assess the academic ability of students, but also to measure their contribution and influence in their own field, provide in-depth and high-level teaching content, and comprehensively help students improve their systematic thinking ability of global perspective and overall situation.
- Personnel recruitment: Personnel recruitment is an important part of enterprise management. Management psychology can identify potential high-performance talents by analyzing their psychological characteristics. In addition, when facing job seekers, management psychology can use methods such as psychological testing and interview skills to assess the qualities and abilities that applicants possess, and then make the most scientific decisions in the recruitment process.
- Team building: The team is the most fundamental unit in enterprise management, and its effectiveness directly affects the performance of the enterprise. Management psychology plays an important role in team building. By gaining a deeper understanding of the personality and behavioral characteristics of team members, managers can design the most suitable work methods and communication mechanisms for team members, thereby improving their work efficiency and job satisfaction.
- Employee motivation: Employee motivation is a very important part of enterprise management and is also one of the application fields of management psychology. Managers motivate employees to achieve excellent performance in their work and fully unleash their potential by establishing reasonable reward and punishment systems, providing opportunities for career development, and other means. At the same time, managers need to understand the needs and psychological state of employees in order to provide psychological motivation and support at the appropriate time.
- Decision making: In enterprise management, decision making is a relatively difficult problem. Different decision-making schemes often have different impacts on the psychological state of employees. In this case, management psychology can analyze and predict changes in employee psychological states to develop the most appropriate decision-making plan.
1、博士研究方法导论 / Introduction to Research Methods at the Doctoral Level
2、制定研究课题 / Formulating the Research Topic
3、 高级定性数据分析 / Advanced Qualitative Data Analysis
4、高级定量数据分析 / Advanced Quantitative Data Analysis
5、数据收集技术 / Data Collection Techniques
6、大数据管理与心理学应用方法论 / Big Data Management and Applied Methodology in Psychology
7、心理压力和情绪管理研究 / Research on Psychological Stress and Emotion Management
8、管理思维与战略决策体系构建方法论研究 / Research on the methodology of management thinking and strategic decision-making system construction
9、区块链技术及元宇宙概念在心理学场景应用实践及发展趋势 / Blockchain technology and meta-universe concept in psychology scene application practice and development trend
10、跨文化领导力与管理心理学应用方法论 / Cross-Cultural Leadership and Applied Methodology in Managerial Psychology
11、管理心理学方向论文工作坊 /Management Psychology Orientation Essay Workshop
12、论文答辩辅导 / Thesis defence coaching
The doctoral program in digital transformation involves knowledge and skills in digital economy, platform economy, data analysis, algorithm design, product development, and operation management, providing more comprehensive and in-depth professional learning opportunities for employees. After graduation, they can choose to work in digital technology enterprises, Internet companies, financial institutions, etc. to engage in financial technology, risk management, investment management, etc; It is also possible to engage in research, planning, and policy formulation related to digital policies and platform management in economic management departments, information industry departments, science and technology innovation departments, and other government departments at all levels; You can also engage in teaching and research work in major universities or research institutions.
管理心理学能做什么工作What can management psychology do
In summary, management psychology plays an irreplaceable role in enterprise management. Only by deeply understanding the psychological characteristics of employees can managers develop the most suitable management plan, thereby promoting the sustainable development of the enterprise.

工作单位:西门子(中国)有限公司上海分公司 职务:亚太区价值采购办负责人&采购总监

工作单位:深圳沃尔核材股份有限公司 职务:汽车研究所商务总监

工作单位:苏州方德门达新药开发有限公司 职务:总经理助理

工作单位:中国航天科工集团南京航天国器智能装备有限公司 职务:项目申报总监

工作单位:中国石化集团南京化学工业有限公司 职务:物资装备中心处长

工作单位:湛江西南医院 职务:副院长

工作单位:南京大学医学院附属口腔医院 职务:医疗总监

工作单位:南京大学信息化中心 职务:网络部副主任

工作单位:上海若弋生物科技有限公司 职务:副总裁