智能制造管理 / DBA Intelligent Manufacturing Management
In today’s complex social environment, especially in the rapidly changing era of big data and artificial intelligence technology, and with more intense industry competition, the management system for traditional manufacturing industries is facing challenges.
How to use the transformation and upgrading of digital and intelligent management as a breakthrough point to discover various drawbacks and shortcomings of manufacturing enterprises or industries, conduct theoretical research on management innovation in the production process, and combine it with practical work to become high-end talents in the field of digital transformation and innovation in traditional manufacturing industry management.

三、项目课程 / project course
课程简介:法国巴黎ISTEC高等商学院智能制造管理方向的 DBA博士项目课程体系与活动的设计围绕培养学员的全球化能力、持续增长能力、科学逻辑能力以及理论应用能力,并鼓励同学与教授、同学与同学之间的交流分享,使学员在智能制造专业领域的管理理念和商业意识得到不断地更新与升华,并最终成就在智能制造领域具有全球视野、全融思维以及可持续发展能力的企业思想家。
Course Introduction: The design of the DBA Doctoral Program course system and activities in the field of intelligent manufacturing management at ISTEC Higher Business School in Paris, France, revolves around cultivating students’ globalization ability, sustained growth ability, scientific logic ability, and theoretical application ability. It encourages communication and sharing among students and professors, as well as among peers, to continuously update and elevate students’ management concepts and business awareness in the field of intelligent manufacturing, and ultimately achieve the goal of becoming a global perspective, inclusive thinking, and sustainable development enterprise thinker in the field of intelligent manufacturing.
1、博士研究方法导论 / Introduction to Research Methods at the Doctoral Level
2、制定研究课题 / Formulating the Research Topic
3、高级定性数据分析 / Advanced Qualitative Data Analysis
4、高级定量数据分析 /Advanced Quantitative Data Analysis
5、数据收集技术 / Data Collection Techniques
6、大数据时代的数据管理及其应用方法论 / Data management and its application methodology in the era of big data
7、制造业管理体系技术变革与创新研究 / Research on technological change and innovation in Digital and Intelligent Manufacturing Management systems
8、智能制造管理战略体系构建方法论研究 / A Methodological Study on the Construction of Digital and Intellige Manufacturing Management Strategy System
9、区块链技术及元宇宙概念应用实践及发展趋势 / Blockchain technology and meta-universe conceptapplication practice and development trend
10、供应链体系的数智化转型方法论 / Digital and Intelligent Transformation Methodology for Supply Chain Systems
11、智能制造管理方向论文工作坊 / Intelligent Manufacturing management direction paper workshop
12、论文答辩辅导 / Thesis defence coaching

工作单位:西门子(中国)有限公司上海分公司 职务:亚太区价值采购办负责人&采购总监

工作单位:深圳沃尔核材股份有限公司 职务:汽车研究所商务总监

工作单位:苏州方德门达新药开发有限公司 职务:总经理助理

工作单位:中国航天科工集团南京航天国器智能装备有限公司 职务:项目申报总监

工作单位:中国石化集团南京化学工业有限公司 职务:物资装备中心处长

工作单位:湛江西南医院 职务:副院长

工作单位:南京大学医学院附属口腔医院 职务:医疗总监

工作单位:南京大学信息化中心 职务:网络部副主任

工作单位:上海若弋生物科技有限公司 职务:副总裁