健康管理 / DBA Health-care management
Through comparative analysis of the medical and health management and health service systems of different countries, and drawing on international advanced health management experience and technology, the programme provides an in-depth understanding of the policy design of China’s medical and health industry and the development plan of the medical and health system, and grasps the future trends of the health industry at home and abroad, as well as the positioning and development prospects of various medical and health institutions. The course will cultivate innovative, practical and international leaders in line with the development of China’s health management industry, and create a complex of high-end professionals with academic background in health management,cutting-edge thinking in modern management, international vision and practical skills in health management.

三、项目课程 / project course
Course Introduction: By comparing and analyzing the medical and health management and service systems of various countries, drawing on advanced international health management experience and technology, deeply understanding the policy design and development plan of China’s medical and health industry, grasping the future trends of the domestic and foreign health industry, as well as the positioning and development prospects of various medical and health institutions. To cultivate innovative, practical, and international leaders who are in line with the development of China’s health management industry, and to create composite high-end professional talents with both academic background in health management, cutting-edge modern management thinking, international perspective, and practical skills in health management.
1、博士研究方法导论 / Introduction to Research Methods at the Doctoral Level
2、制定研究课题 / Formulating the Research Topic
3、高级定性数据分析 / Advanced Qualitative Data Analysis
4、高级定量数据分析 / Advanced Quantitative Data Analysis
5、数据收集技术 / Data Collection Techniques
6、医疗健康管理与促进理论与实践研讨 / Theory and Practice of Health Care Management and Promotion
7、医疗健康行业企业资本运作与投融资方式研究 / Capital operation and investment and financing methods for companies in the healthcare industry
8、医疗健康服务系统与质量管理研讨 / Health Care Delivery Systems and Quality Management
9、医疗健康卫生管理与预防医学研讨 / Health Care Management and Preventive Medicine
10 、医疗健康管理学问题研究 / The study of health care management issues
11、大数据时代的信息管理研讨 / Information Management in Big Data Era
12、健康管理方向论文工作坊 / Dissertation Workshop on Health Management Research Directions
13、论文答辩辅导 / Thesis defence coaching
PhD graduates in medical and health management can work in multiple fields such as medical institutions, insurance companies, and government agencies. In terms of medical institutions, graduates can hold positions such as hospital management and director of health management centers; In terms of insurance companies, graduates can engage in work such as designing health insurance products and handling claims; In terms of government agencies, graduates can work in the health department, medical insurance department, and other related positions. In addition, with the development of Internet medicine, some online medical platforms also expressed strong interest in medical health management doctoral graduates.

工作单位:西门子(中国)有限公司上海分公司 职务:亚太区价值采购办负责人&采购总监

工作单位:深圳沃尔核材股份有限公司 职务:汽车研究所商务总监

工作单位:苏州方德门达新药开发有限公司 职务:总经理助理

工作单位:中国航天科工集团南京航天国器智能装备有限公司 职务:项目申报总监

工作单位:中国石化集团南京化学工业有限公司 职务:物资装备中心处长

工作单位:湛江西南医院 职务:副院长

工作单位:南京大学医学院附属口腔医院 职务:医疗总监

工作单位:南京大学信息化中心 职务:网络部副主任

工作单位:上海若弋生物科技有限公司 职务:副总裁