MBA Corporate Finance
The MBA Finance objective is to train professionals in the field of banking, insurance and more widely financial institutions. This training allows graduates to master mathematical and IT tools applied to finance and develop knowledge and deepened technical know-how, as well as an innovative vision of the sector in the context of continual change.
The MBA Finance is a study program that is multidisciplinary; it gives students deepened knowledge in cash management, fiscal strategy, portfolio management, FinTech, Structured finance and project finance, Mergers and acquisitions, Taxation…while taking into account the legal and economic part of these sectors. The teaching of this MBA is mainly given by qualified professionals and prefers group work and team work to promote leadership and real-life situations.
The cost of this program varies according to the course chosen between 8 880€ and 14 980€.
Focus on specialization
Whether they choose the one-year program or the two-program students will take courses specific to the Corporate Finance specialization: Marketing of financial products, Cash Flow management, Trade finance, Portfolio management and Financial analysis.

- Insurance
- Financial institutions
- Master mathematical and IT tools applied to finance
- Knowledge and deepened technical know-how
- Banking
- Commercialization of financial products
- Cash management
- Trade finance
- Structured financing and LBO
- FinTech
- Financing of real estate operations
- Retail banking
- Financial Manager
- Responsible of a Bank Agency
- Head of Marketing Studies of Financial Products
- Financial Strategy Advisor
- Head of Financial Department
This training leads to obtain the level 7 (EU) BAC+5 title, registered in the National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP), by registration decision of France compétences, according to the specialization chosen by the student:
– Business Development Manager – RNCP code: 38583 – Certifier: TALIS COMPÉTENCES & CERTIFICATIONS – Registration deadline: 09-02-2027 – NSF code: 312
– Marketing Strategy Manager – RNCP code: 38586 – Certifier: TALIS COMPÉTENCES & CERTIFICATIONS – Registration deadline: 09-02-2027 – NSF code: 312