国际供应链管理 / DBA in International Supply Chain Management
Supply chain management is the main content of internationalized enterprise management, and it is also the leading direction of enterprise management development in China. The international supply chain management direction aims to analyze and study the ideas, theories, methods, tools, operation strategies and their practical applications of supply chain management, and the mission of this project is mainly two:
firstly, to closely track and grasp the development trend of the discipline, pay attention to and focus on new research areas, and focus on the international frontier academic issues in the research field of supply chain management;
Secondly, according to the needs of national economy, society and enterprise development, focus on Secondly, according to the needs of national economy, society and enterprise development, the research and research will focus on the practical problems that need to be solved in the supply chain management of enterprises. At the same time, we will strengthen the exchange and cooperation between domestic and foreign enterprises, and cultivate for Chinese enterprises, through visits, summits, mobility and study at home and abroad, composite international high-end talents in supply chain management who understand management, are professional, have feelings and skills.

三、项目课程 / project course
Course Introduction: Supply chain management is the main content of international enterprise management and also the leading direction for the development of enterprise management in China. The direction of international supply chain management aims to analyze and study the ideas, theories, methods, tools, operational strategies, and practical applications of supply chain management. The main tasks of this project are twofold: firstly, closely tracking and grasping the development trends of the discipline, paying attention to and focusing on new research fields, and focusing on researching international cutting-edge academic issues in the field of supply chain management research; Secondly, based on the needs of the national economy, society, and enterprise development, we will focus on researching and tackling practical problems that urgently need to be solved in enterprise supply chain management. At the same time, we will strengthen communication and cooperation between domestic and foreign enterprises through visits, summit forums, mobility, and domestic and international learning. To cultivate composite international high-end talents in supply chain management who understand management, are highly professional, emotional, and skilled for Chinese enterprises.
1、博士研究方法导论 / Introduction to Research Methods at the Doctoral Level
2、制定研究课题 / Formulating the Research Topic
3、高级定性数据分析 / Advanced Qualitative Data Analysis
4、高级定量数据分析 / Advanced Quantitative Data Analysis
5、数据收集技术 / Data Collection Techniques
6、全球供应链管理运营研究 / Global Supply Chain Management Operations
7、国际供应链设计与管理仿真 / International Supply Chain Design and Management Simulation
8、国际供应链风险管理与控制策略研究 / International Supply Chain Risk Management
9、控制战略研究 / Research on Control Strategies
10、大数据时代的信息管理研究 / Information Management in Big Data Era
11、供应链管理方向论文工作坊 / Essay Workshop on Supply Chain Management Research Directions
12 、论文答辩辅导 / Thesis defence coaching
A doctoral degree in supply chain can lead to positions such as material manager, strategic procurement analyst, operations analyst, international logistics and material processing supervisor. Employers in this industry believe that the following skills are important for new employees in the next five years: financial planning, cost analysis, logistics and supply chain knowledge, workflow optimization, transportation knowledge, as well as management and business skills

工作单位:西门子(中国)有限公司上海分公司 职务:亚太区价值采购办负责人&采购总监

工作单位:深圳沃尔核材股份有限公司 职务:汽车研究所商务总监

工作单位:苏州方德门达新药开发有限公司 职务:总经理助理

工作单位:中国航天科工集团南京航天国器智能装备有限公司 职务:项目申报总监

工作单位:中国石化集团南京化学工业有限公司 职务:物资装备中心处长

工作单位:湛江西南医院 职务:副院长

工作单位:南京大学医学院附属口腔医院 职务:医疗总监

工作单位:南京大学信息化中心 职务:网络部副主任

工作单位:上海若弋生物科技有限公司 职务:副总裁