非物质文化遗产 / DBA in Intangible cultural heritage
The protection of intangible cultural heritage has received widespread attention from countries around the world. Establishing a mechanism and management system for the protection and management of intangible cultural heritage that adapts to the digital era is an important development trend in the current protection and management of intangible cultural heritage. The protection of intangible cultural heritage in France has a history of over 100 years, and has formed a sound protection system and accumulated rich experience.

三、项目课程 / project course
Course Introduction: To cultivate high-level composite talents who can adapt to social needs, master the basic theories and knowledge of intangible cultural heritage protection and management, have the ability to conduct investigations and research related to intangible cultural heritage protection, innovate the design of intangible cultural heritage products, plan projects, and manage industrial operations. They can work in intangible cultural heritage protection departments, cultural heritage research institutions, and intangible cultural heritage inheritance and protection enterprises, and adapt to the protection and design creation needs of China’s new era cultural construction.
1、博士研究方法导论 / Introduction to Research Methods at the Doctoral Level
2、制定研究课题 / Formulating the Research Topic
3、高级定性及定量数据分析 / Advanced Qualitative and Quanlitative Data Analysis
4、非物质文化遗产研究方法概论 / Introduction to Research Methods in Intangible Cultural Heritage
5、非物质文化遗产设计概念与设计方法 / Intangible Cultural Heritage design concepts and design methods
6、非物质文化遗产保护技术传承变革与创新 / Heritage, change and innovation in Intangible Cultural Heritage conservation techniques
7、非物质文化遗产的传承与推广 / The transmission and promotion of Intangible Cultural Heritage
8、中国非遗活化实践现状与发展趋势 / Current situation and development trend of Intangible Cultural Heritage revitalization practices in China
9、非物质文化遗产管理的组织行为模式研讨 / Discussion of organizational behavioural for the management of Intangible Cultural Heritage
10、非物质文化遗产管理方向论文工作坊 / Dissertation Workshop on Intangible Cultural Heritage Management Research Directions
11 、论文答辩辅 / Thesis defence coaching
The protection of intangible cultural heritage belongs to the field of talent cultivation urgently needed by the country, and has broad employment prospects. With the great development and prosperity of China’s culture, as well as the demand for sustainable economic and social development, the demand for high-end talents with scientific research, creative and management abilities in intangible cultural heritage protection in China is also showing a sustained and rapid growth trend.
The employment prospects of intangible cultural heritage majors are very promising, and graduates can work in government agencies, non-governmental organizations, cultural enterprises, and other fields to protect, inherit, and manage cultural heritage. For example, in the field of cultural tourism, graduates majoring in intangible cultural heritage can work as tour guides, cultural heritage commentators, and so on. In addition, in the field of cultural media, graduates can engage in work such as cultural heritage reporting and documentary production. In the field of education, graduates can engage in work related to cultural heritage education.

工作单位:西门子(中国)有限公司上海分公司 职务:亚太区价值采购办负责人&采购总监

工作单位:深圳沃尔核材股份有限公司 职务:汽车研究所商务总监

工作单位:苏州方德门达新药开发有限公司 职务:总经理助理

工作单位:中国航天科工集团南京航天国器智能装备有限公司 职务:项目申报总监

工作单位:中国石化集团南京化学工业有限公司 职务:物资装备中心处长

工作单位:湛江西南医院 职务:副院长

工作单位:南京大学医学院附属口腔医院 职务:医疗总监

工作单位:南京大学信息化中心 职务:网络部副主任

工作单位:上海若弋生物科技有限公司 职务:副总裁