Master Program of Sustainable Management
UCMT-ISTEC MSM 项目培养具有全球战略思维、卓越管理智慧、可持续发展能力的杰出管理者。在全球可持续发展和“双碳”目标逐渐深入人心的今天,企业社会责任(CSR)和环境、社会及治理(ESG)信息披露成为市场关注焦点,对可持续发展领域的专业人才需求激增,而相关人才的培养显得尤为迫切。在此背景下,UCMT与ISTEC合作,大力积极地推进可持续发展战略的研究和管理,使每一名管理者都能成功融入当下不断变化的商业环境,帮助企业可持续发展。
The UCMT-ISTEC MSM program cultivates outstanding managers with global strategic thinking, excellent management wisdom, and sustainable development capabilities. With the global sustainable development and “dual-carbon” goal gradually taking root in people’s hearts, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and environmental, social and governance (ESG) disclosure have become the focus of the market, and the demand for professionals in the field of sustainable development has surged, and the cultivation of related talents has become particularly urgent. Against this backdrop, UCMT has partnered with ISTEC to vigorously and proactively promote the research and management of sustainability strategies, enables every manager to successfully integrate into today’s ever-changing business environment, and help companies grow sustainably.
项目课程介绍 Project courses
UCMT-ISTEC MSM项目课程会把可持续管理概念融入课程中,带领学员深刻理解可持续发展的核心理念,包括经济、社会、环境三个维度的平衡发展,并能将其应用于实际商业决策中;培养学生在面对可持续发展挑战时的领导力,包括战略规划、团队合作、跨文化沟通及危机管理能力,使其成为推动行业和社会可持续发展的积极力量。
The UCMT-ISTEC MSM program integrates the concept of sustainable management into the curriculum, leading students to deeply understand the core concepts of sustainable development, including balanced development in the three dimensions of economy, society and environment, and to apply them in practical business decision-making; to develop students’ leadership skills in facing the challenges of sustainable development, including strategic planning, teamwork, cross-cultural communication and crisis management. To develop students’ leadership skills in facing the challenges of sustainable development, including strategic planning, teamwork, cross-cultural communication and crisis management, so that they can become a positive force in promoting sustainable development in the industry and society.

- 研究方法论Research Methodology
- 管理创新 Management Innovation
- 战略管理 Strategic Management
- 人力资源管理 Human Resource Management
- 价值定位,商业模式,商业计划 Value proposition, Business Model, Business Plan
- 财务与成本管理 Finance and Cost Accounting
- 市场管理 Marketing Management
- 环境可持续管理与政策 Environmental Sustainability Management and Policy
- 绿色供应链管理 Green Supply Chain Management
- 碳权与碳足迹 Carbon Right and Carbon Footprint
- 公司治理 Corporate Governance
- 企业社会责任 Corporate Social Responsibility
- 绿色与可持续金融管理 Green and Sustainable Financial Management