Doctoral Program in Business Administration
UCMT-ISTEC 工商管理博士课程是为具有实际管理经验的高级管理人员开设的应用型博士课程。通过本专业的学习,学生可以将自己在工作中积累的经验转化为一套自己的商业理论,再将这套理论升华为实践,为企业提供更好的战略和更先进的改革方法。本课程旨在为高级管理人员提供最完整、最系统的管理科学知识。本课程实践性强,扎根于管理理论和商业实践,注重培养学生的创新思维和资源整合能力。我们鼓励学生将实践与理论相结合,运用课程中掌握的新知识解决企业中的问题,通过不断检验解决方案,最终形成自己的个性化理论。
The UCMT-ISTEC Doctoral Program in Business Administration is an applied doctoral program for senior managers with hands-on management experience. Through the study of this program, students can transform their accumulated experience in the work into a set of their own business theories, and then sublimate this theory into practice, to provide enterprises with better strategies and more advanced reform methods. This program aims to provide senior managers with the most complete and systematic knowledge of management science. As the program is highly practical and rooted in both management theory and business practice, the course will focus on cultivating students’ innovative thinking mindset and resource integration ability. We encourage students to combine practice and theory in order to apply the new knowledge acquired in the course to solve the problems of the company, and eventually develop their own personalized theory through continuous testing of solutions.
项目课程介绍 Project courses
UCMT-ISTEC-DBA program is highly systematic, covering various aspects of business management, such as Strategic Management, Organizational Behavior, Marketing, Financial Management, Creative Thinking, etc. as core modules; Additionally, it is tailored with precision, taking into account learners’ practical work requirements and career development aspirations, offering customized learning content and solutions. This balanced approach, integrating both systematic rigor and targeted relevance, equips students with a holistic grasp of management knowledge while empowering them to tackle specific managerial challenges. It fosters a holistic enhancement in managerial competencies and strategic perspectives, guiding enterprises towards an even more prosperous future.

- 战略管理Strategic Management
- 市场营销研究Marketing Studies
- 组织行为学与领导力Organization Behavior and Leadership
- 财务报告与管理 Financial Report and Management
- 经济管理研究 Economy Management Studies
- 跨文化管理 Cross-cultural Management
- 大数据时代的信息管理Information Management in Big Data Era
- 创新创业学Entrepreneurship
- 技术变革与管理创新Technological Transformation and Management Innovation
- 认识论与研究设计Epistemology and Research Design
- 定性方法与研究设计Qualitative Methods and Research Design
- 定量方法与研究设计Quantitative Methods and Research Design
- 论文答辩 Thesis Defense