Doctoral Program in Educational Management (DEM) - Istec

Doctoral Program in Educational Management


The UCMT-ISTEC Doctoral Program in Educational Management is dedicated to the achievement of corporate thinkers with a global vision, holistic thinking and sustainable development ability in the education industry, as well as the achievement of the doctoral dream of those with ambitions.

项目课程介绍 Project courses


UCMT-ISTEC-DEM program seamlessly blends educational theory with practical management to nurture leaders equipped with a robust foundation in educational theory and advanced business management skills. ISTEC-DEM emphasizes the business and management facets of education, offering a curriculum that encompasses courses like Educational Marketing Management, Educational Business Models, Digital Education, Organizational Management, Philosophy, and Psychology, to foster a holistic management perspective. Through this program, participates will acquire cutting-edge knowledge in the education industry while also developing their research skills, enabling them to conduct in-depth analyses of education policies, practices, and organizations, and apply advanced educational management theories to real-world situations to solve practical problems in education. This program equips Chinese entrepreneurs and executives in the education industry with the ability to further elevate their decision-making and leadership prowess, broaden their international expertise in education and management, and emerge as professionals capable of assuming pivotal roles within educational organizations.

Core Curriculum

  1. 学习型组织之人力资源管理 Human Resources Management of Knowledge
  2. 教育管理的哲学和心理学基础 Philosophical and Psychological Foundation of Educational Management
  3. 全球教育发展史和研究前沿An Overview of the Development History of Global Education
  4. 认识论Epistemology
  5. 研究方法论Research Methodology
  6. 教育行业商业模式与研究 Business Model Design for Education Industry
  7. 定性研究Qualitative Research
  8. 国际教育模式和教学方法International Education Models and Pedagogical Approaches
  9. 定量研究Quantitative Research
  10. 教育营销管理专题研究Educational Marketing Management
  11. 教育领导者的管理素养研究Management Literacy of Educational Leaders
  12. 全融教育与价值创造Integrated Education and Value Creation
  13. 数字化教育与管理Digital Technology and Education
  14. 论文答辩 Thesis Defense



OUR Alumni

DU Zhong 天津中道博雅企业管理顾问有限公司总经理 工业品牌营销高研院创始人



My study journey at UCMT and ISTEC has been a profound and valuable experience in my career. From 2020 to 2023, this period has not only deepened my understanding of business administration, but also broadened my international perspective and strategic thinking. The process of writing and defending my doctoral dissertation was challenging, but it also sharpened my research ability and perseverance. Thanks to the excellent educational resources provided by UCMT and ISTEC and the guidance of my supervisors, I was able to make a new breakthrough in the field of industrial brand marketing. This experience has not only accomplished my degree, but also laid a solid foundation for my future career in business management and consulting, and I will continue to move forward with more enthusiasm and professionalism to help companies grow and develop.

GENG Ming 江苏新安电器股份有限公司,集团副总兼二工厂总经理



My study journey at UCMT and ISTEC has been a magnificent transformation in my career. 2024, with the successful completion of my thesis, I officially entered the ranks of doctoral graduates. This experience has not only made my knowledge system in the field of business administration more systematic and complete, but also greatly enhanced my leadership and strategic decision-making ability. Thanks to the careful training of UCMT and ISTEC, as well as the selfless teaching of the teachers, I am able to be more skillful in the management position of Xin’an Electrical Appliances. The graduation is the end and also the beginning, I will take this honor and responsibility to continue to lead the enterprise forward and create a more brilliant tomorrow.

LI Xiaoyong 佳林娜集团总经理



Defending and graduating from UCMT and ISTEC is a major milestone in my career. The study tour to France in 2023 has not only witnessed my academic growth and leap, but also made me deeply appreciate the charm and value of international education. This experience has not only enriched my theoretical knowledge of management, but also broadened my international perspective, which has injected new energy and inspiration into my management work in Galena Group. I am deeply honored and proud of this experience, and I will lead the company to a broader horizon with a more open mind and excellent leadership in the future.

LIU Weijun 深圳市品伊设计顾问有限公司总经理




During my study at UCMT and ISTEC, I not only deepened my understanding of business management, but also integrated this knowledge with my passion for design. My graduation in 2023 is a testament to my cross-border fusion ability. As the general manager of Shenzhen PinYi Design Consultant Co., Ltd, I know the importance of the beauty of design and business intelligence going hand in hand. This learning experience allows me to integrate more business considerations into my design creations and create greater value for brands. Thanks to the cultivation of UCMT and ISTEC Business School, I will continue to lead the new style of design with my unique taste and excellent management.

WANG Yan 福伊特造纸(中国)有限公司 客服中心经理




Thanks to the excellent platform provided by UCMT and ISTEC, looking back on this learning journey, I deeply feel that I have not only made a qualitative leap in my professional knowledge, but also realized a comprehensive improvement in my way of thinking, leadership and interpersonal communication. I believe that these valuable experiences and abilities will become indispensable assets in my future career.

LIU Peng 三星电子(苏州)半导体有限公司 制造总监





UCMT and ISTEC have not only opened the door to the cutting-edge knowledge of smart manufacturing for me, but also injected new vitality and inspiration into me and my career with its excellent teaching quality and forward-looking course system. I look forward to continue to maintain close contact and cooperation with UCMT and ISTEC in the future, and jointly contribute to the development of the intelligent manufacturing field!

YE Xiaohui 南京隼动科技有限责任公司 研发总监




This learning experience is an important leap in my professional career, The courses of UCMT and ISTEC are closely integrated with the latest trends of current scientific and technological development, and the theoretical knowledge is deeply integrated with practical applications. This valuable knowledge and experience provides me with strong theoretical support and practical guidance in my R&D work.

HUANG Zhijun 苏州固锝电子股份有限公司集成电路事业部总经理


I sincerely thank UCMT and ISTEC for providing me with this excellent learning experience, and I look forward to continuing to maintain close contact and cooperation with UCMT and ISTEC in the future, so as to jointly promote the development of the intelligent manufacturing field, and to create greater value for enterprises and society.

YUAN Rong 上海工程技术大学继教产业党总支书记


UCMT and ISTEC provide me with a platform to gain insight into the field of educational administration and leadership. The program emphasizes the integration of theory and practice, enabling me to translate academic knowledge into the ability to solve practical problems. By interacting with students from different backgrounds and experts from different countries and industries, I have not only broadened my horizons, but also enhanced my cross-cultural communication skills. I was particularly attracted to the discussion of innovative educational techniques and strategies, which will be important for my future career development. Overall, it has been a challenging and rewarding learning journey.

WANG Shijie 合肥信息技术职业学院 校长




After the academic baptism in many universities, and then to ISTEC for further study, I am deeply impressed by the vastness of the sea of knowledge. Each part of my doctoral journey is a deep excavation of my potential, so that I have learned to grow in challenges and move forward in exploration. This experience has not only enriched my knowledge, but also refined my will. I am grateful for every opportunity and challenge, they make me more convinced that the pursuit of excellence on the road, never-ending. Standing at the new starting point, I am full of gratitude and expectation, and I would like to give back to the society with what I have learned, and continue to swim in the ocean of academics, explore the unknown, and pursue excellence.