Doctoral Program in Digital Transformation Management
法国巴黎高等科学技术与经济商业学院(ISETC)工商管理博士(数字化转型方向)(Doctorate in Business Administration in Digital Transformation)项目,简称DBA(DDT)是为了应对国家数字经济产业战略升级的需要。旨在通过包括标准课程、标杆参访、专题沙龙等多维度、系统性的学习过程,启发与帮助学员从个人的实际工作经验中提炼可供行业借鉴的管理创新方法,成为引领行业科学管理与创新应用的企业思想家。
The UCMT-ISTEC Digital Transformation Management Doctoral program is designed to meet the needs of the national industrial strategy upgrading of digital economy. It aims to inspire and help students to develop innovative management methods for reference in the industry from their personal practical work experience through a multi-dimensional and systematic learning process including standard courses, benchmarking visits, special salons, etc. To become an enterprise thinker leading the application of scientific management and innovation in the industry.

- 战略管理Strategic Management
- 财务报告与管理Financial Report and Management
- 跨文化管理Cross-cultural Management
- 大数据时代的信息管理Information Management in Big Data Era
- 创新创业学Entrepreneurship
- 技术变革与管理创新Technological Transformation and Management Innovation
- 数字化营销Digital Marketing
- 平台型组织与人力资源管理Platform Organization and Human Resource Management
- 数字经济与数据资产管理Digital Economy and Data Asset Management
- 认识论与研究设计Epistemology and Research Design
- 定性方法与研究设计Qualitative Methods and Research Design
- 定量方法与研究设计Quantitative Methods and Research Design
- 论文答辩 Thesis Defense